Camellia Winter's Interlude
Camellia Winter's Interlude
Camellia hybrid Winter’s Interlude
A lovely autumn flowering Camellia with small, anemone type, pink flowers in November and December. Less well known than their spring flowering japonica cousins with smaller, but much more prolific flowers.
The moderately vigorous, upright evergreen foliage will provide year-round interest and a pop of colour when most plants in the garden have finished flowering. Plant in a mixed shrub border to add some blooms from autumn into winter. Great choice for woodland gardens or planted as a screen or hedge. Grow in a shelter position with some protection from cold winds in acid to neutral well drained soil. Prune after flowering in late spring, either lightly for a larger, relaxed shape, or hard for a smaller, compact form.
Hybrid of Camellia oleifera
Eventual height & spread: 2m x 2m
Flowering: Late autumn/winter (budded in season)
Aspect: Sheltered, partial or dappled shade
Soil type: acidic (no lime) / well drained / ericaceous
Winter hardy to -10C
Supplied height: 20-30cm